Advanced methods for population model building and evaluation in NONMEM
In this course the Uppsala Pharmacometrics Group will present advanced methods for population, nonlinear mixed-effect (NLME) model building and evaluation using NONMEM. The Uppsala group has been involved in developing NONMEM models and methodology for over twenty years. Diagnostics for model building have been developed, evaluated and integrated into NONMEM adapted versions of the programs Perl-speaks-NONMEM (PsN) and Xpose. The course will last for 2.5 days and consists of both lectures and hands-on computer exercises. Participants will use NONMEM, PsN and Xpose 4 during the hands-on sessions, with the participants working on their own computers. All programs will run from an USB memory-stick and participants will not be required to install any programs on their computer.
Course Outline (2.5 days)
The course will last for 2.5 days and consists of both lectures and hands-on computer exercises.
- Day 1 –
- Typical individual (PRED) based diagnostics
- residual based diagnostics
- empirical Bayes estimates based diagnostics
- Simulation based diagnostics I
- Covariate model diagnostics
- Day 2 –
- Simulation based diagnostics II
- Models for parameter variability
- Models for residual variability
- Assesing model uncertainty
- Handling of censored data
- Day 3 -
- Type-I error control
- Power calculations
- Modeling with new estimation methods
A prerequisite for the course is experience with performing NONMEM analyses or having attended a NONMEM basic workshop.
Prof. Mats Karlsson
Assoc. Prof. Andrew Hooker
Practical Information
The course will run January 23 - 25 (10:00 am - 5:30 pm on Day 1, 8:30 am -5:30 pm on day 2 and 8:30 am – 3:00 pm on Day 3) at Lambertville Station Inn & Restaurant, 11 Bridge St, Lambertville, NJ, 08530, USA.
Computer hardware/software - The course will include hands-on training, with the participants working on their own computers. All programs will run from a USB memory-stick and participants will not be required to install any programs on their computer. All participants must bring their own Windows laptops (virtual machines ok).
Course Fee
Regular fee: $1,700
Student fee: $1,100
Registration fee includes: extensive electronic material including lectures, exercises, programs (PsN and Xpose), additional self-study material including hands-on's and solutions. Morning and afternoon refreshments and lunches are included (no lunch on day 3).
To register

For questions, please e-mail Andrew Hooker.